
Monday, October 21, 2019

Empirical inquiry Essay Example

Empirical inquiry Essay Example Empirical inquiry Essay Empirical inquiry Essay Case study research methodology is an empirical inquiry, which is used to study a specific situation within its real-world scenario; in the event that the boundaries between the specific situation and the real-life context are not clear; and in which there are various sources are used (Cavaye 1996). This paper reports on the challenges, both practical and theoretical, experienced when this research methodology was employed in studying the key considerations for a long term success in large family businesses. First, the report describes the research design or approach employed, in this case, the case study approach. It presents the experience of using the case study research design in two real world family businesses, in which, one is our family business which is reaching its third (3rd) generation with me. The report describes the challenges that are faced and state the lessons learned in this experience, that, the case studies are very active and useful aspects of the study, and that the participant or persons in the case studies, influences the research conduct. It offers a critical review and personal reflection with regards to whether and why the research approach applies to the dissertation in question. All research designs, irrespective of where there being applied, have their merits and demerits. Therefore, when choosing a research method/design to be used in a given study, there are many factors that need to be considered. While undertaking a dissertation, several approaches may be considered including evaluation of research requirements and then developing a research plan. This was the approach that preceded the selection of the research approach, the case study method. In this case, the dissertation topic was â€Å"What are the Key Considerations for Long Term Success in Large Family Businesses? † This dissertation explored the challenges that family businesses experience with regards to continuation of the business for the generations that follow. This is because, the number of family members keeps increasing and not all have the same set of required skills and knowledge for working in the family business or getting involved in the family business decisions. The assumption is that, challenges exist with regards to the future of family business unless certain careful measures are taken. This is the purpose of this research, exploring and outline the key steps that would guarantee the success in large family businesses. The goal of this study was to understand how business roots and emotional attachment of family members to the business help in creating and ensuring the continuity of the business, besides the creation of safe jobs and a stable economy. Additionally, the research focuses on how personal interests, family interests and business interests are reconciled, specifically, with regards to how finances are managed, decisions are made, employee evaluation and performance measures are carried out, and new hiring done. Given that focus is more on relationships, emotions, and interests of family members with regards to the family business, qualitative research techniques are employed (Darke et al. 1998). These techniques, according to Myers (2009) were preferred because of the of the research’s goal and purpose, as search, the case study approach was deemed ideal. There were no challenges encountered in selecting the research methodology. However, putting or using the selected/chosen research method in carrying out the case study neither proved unproblematic or simple. Despite taking care with regards to dealing with known methodological and theoretical challenges of the case study approach, its practical application is what proved difficult. This report describes the research design or approach employed, in this case, the case study approach. It presents the experience of using the case study research design in two real world family businesses, in which, one is our family business which is reaching its third (3rd) generation with me. The report describes the challenges that are faced and state the lessons learned in this experience, that, the case studies are very active and useful aspects of the study, and that the participant or persons in the case studies, influences the research conduct. It offers a critical review and personal reflection with regards to whether and why the research approach applies to the dissertation in question. Finally, the lessons learned from the use of case study methodology in carrying out the research are discussed and a conclusion offered discussing how the chosen research methodology would alleviate the envisaged overall challenges in carrying out the dissertation.

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