
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Racism and Reconstruction :: essays papers

Racism and ReconstructionAlthough capital of Nebraskas Plan of Reconstruction was not put into exertion inthe South after the Civil War, if it had been racism would have beenalmost completely avoided in the 20th century. Licolns proposed planwas called the 10% Plan. It called for 10% of the people would votedin the 1860 Election to take a pledge of loyalty to the Union. Thisplan was met by harsh oppostion by the Radical Republicans in Congresswho viewed the South as conquered territory. These Radicals utter thatLincolns plan was much too soft. In return, Republicans in Congressthen moved to pass the Wade-Davis Bill in 1864. This bill requiredthat a mass of the South would have to take an iron clad oath thatthe had never supported the Confederacy. The Wade-Davis bill waspocket-vetoed by Lincoln who was assassinated shortly after. Johnsontook over the establishment and his Plan of Reconstruction was passes.Instead of Lincolns 10% Plan, Johnsons Plan of Reconstuction wasput i nto effect. Johnsons plan was much more acrimonious towards theSouth. Johnsons plan demanded that the South nullify theirsecessions, take aim stae conventions, adopt the 13th amendment, re-electCongressmen,The question of how to reconstruct the devistated South after the CivilWar was one of immense importance in many aspects. Most would copethat the problems involving the South adjusting socially to the notionof liberated blacks was the msot heated issue. It was an issue thatencompassed both a change in lifestyle as well as in longstanding moralvalues. Both Presdential and Congressional plans were developed in anattempt to ensure Reconstruction would be as smooth as a political, economic and social revolution as humanly possible.President Abraham Lincoln believed from the start of the War, andtherefore the start of Reconstruction, that the Southern states hadnever legally seceded from the Untion. Therefore his plan for reconstruction would be aimed at preserving the peace of the Union andfairly rebuilding the South. Lincolns 10 % Plan was thePresidential attempt to see to it that the South would adhere to theideals surrounding emancipation. Lincoln claimed he would then work onre-developing the structure of each state government.The difference of opinion between the President and Congress over thismatter not only revealed the differences between each sectorpolitically, but set the stage for heated emotions in regards toemancipation.This whole chain of events was much a part of the seperation flatexisting within political parties, as well as dividing views held by

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